Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The First Rule in The Law of Prosperity

I’m often perplexed by people's pronouncement that having "more" would make their lives better somehow.  Seems that most Americans have an excess of what they don’t want.  And, the stuff they want seems right outside their grasp.  Like the folks on the show, "Clean House”.

The show begins with a shocking look at the home of hoarders.  People with so much clutter, junk, stuff, trash, that they can barely clear a narrow path to navigate their way through their own house.  Inevitably, the sofa is always overflowing with things from past years that do not belong to this present time.

And, most have carved out a tiny space in the house where they exist; usually a single chair or one cushion on sofa.  The lucky ones – the people who haven’t become completely engulfed in their hoarding can actually still find their beds so they can sleep horizontally at night.

Mid show, the junk is hauled out to the front yard where a gaggle of bargain-hunters pounce on their prizes and the homeowners receive 10 cents on the dollar for their treasures which is enough for the Clean House team to completely transform the former hoarder's residence into a beautiful oasis.  

But, is that at all like your own life?  Do you fill our space with the “don’t wants” thus denying yourself of the very things that you desire so deeply?
Is it a matter of money or just choices?

I used to date a highly successful, certified financial planner and I’d often talk about the life I was creating and he’d say, “What are you willing to give up?”

My first thought was, “nothing”.  I wanted more.  I didn’t want to give up anything.   It took a couple of years before I really understood what he was saying.

What I needed was readily available to me, I just needed to give up the stuff I didn’t want in order to receive it.

When I decided to move to Florida earlier this year from Washington, DC, I thought it would be a breeze.  My house was always spotless and I abhor clutter so it was just a matter of packing up my things and selling or giving away the stuff I didn’t want.  Or, so I thought.

It was what was lurking in the closets (queue the horror movie music) that was so frightening.  Things long past their useful life, remnants of what was or could have been, boxes and boxes of neatly stacked “I don’t want that anymore”. 

Mid-way through my move, I was shocked at how much stuff I had in my four level colonial.  Why did I hold on to all that dead energy and what had I denied myself in the process?

Of course, if you watch the show, you realize that hoarders are completely delusional.  They make excuses for holding on to the stuff when the deep truth is that there has been some trauma that has paralyzed them, altered their thinking, and driven them to get rid of nothing –for the fear of losing everything.

But, the first rule in the Law of Prosperity is to release everything that you do not want or need.  It creates a vacuum and the Universe will return to fill that space with the very thing you are focused on, which should be your good.

My Baptist minister preaches about this very thing – it’s the principle of tithing.  And, at the Buddhist ashram where I find my sanctuary, it’s called “karmic yoga”.  Giving.  It creates a cycle of receiving.  It’s counter-intuitive isn’t it? 

Giving creates the “get”.

The principle works the same way with all things including thought.  I mean, you’d have to give up the idea of poverty to accept the concept of wealth, right? 

So, you have to ask yourself…. Is it really about having more?  Or, is it giving up what you don’t want in order to receive what you do?

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